South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization

Salem County 5 Points & 6 Points Roundabout Projects

These projects are currently in the final design phase with construction anticipated to begin in 2024 for the Five Points Roundabout.

SJTPO is working with Salem County, in cooperation with the Township of Pittsgrove, the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to make significant safety improvements to the intersections commonly known as 5 Points and 6 Points in Pittsgrove Township through the development of roundabouts at each location.

By employing a strategic data driven approach to project identification and advancement, SJTPO was able to secure funding through the FHWA Highway Safety Improvement Program to develop designs for two specific high-crash intersections in Salem County.

Utilizing crash data analysis, SJTPO’s network screening of roadways and intersections within its region uncovered a need for safety improvements at the Five Points and Six Points intersections in Pittsgrove Township.

Five Points Roundabout

Located at the intersection of Porchtown Road (CR 613), Upper Neck Road (CR 690), and Lawrence Corner Road (CR 621)

Aerial view of the 5 Points intersection

Six Points Roundabout

Located at the intersection of Garden Road (CR 674), Parvin Mill Road (CR 645), and Alvine Road (CR 655), Pittsgrove Township

Aerial view of the 6 Points intersection

Roundabouts: Not Your Grandfather’s Traffic Circle

The modern roundabout is a type of circular intersection configuration that safely and efficiently moves traffic though an intersection. Roundabouts are an FHWA proven safety countermeasure for intersections that suffer from severe crashes due to their ability to substantially reduce the types of crashes that result in injury or loss of life. While not always appropriate, in the right context, modern roundabouts have shown to decrease severe crashes by up to 82 percent. They can be implemented in both urban and rural areas under a wide range of traffic conditions and can replace traffic signals, two-way stop controls, and all-way stop controls. Roundabouts are an effective option for managing speed and transitioning traffic from high-speed to low-speed environments.

Vastly different from the traditional New Jersey traffic circle in its design and function, the modern roundabout forces approaching drivers to yield the right-of-way to vehicles already circulating, leading to improved operational performance. Roundabouts feature channelized approaches and a central island that results in lower speeds and fewer conflict points. The configuration slows approaching vehicles and deflects them upon entry. They are sized to maintain the motorists’ reduced speed while circulating, and at the same time, can be designed to accommodate any vehicle classification, including large multi-axle vehicles (i.e. tractor trailers, emergency vehicles, farming equipment).

Diagram of traffic circle versus traditional intersections

A well-designed roundabout can be adapted to the context of the location and does not even need to be perfectly circular. Successful roundabouts come in all shapes and sizes. Some are oval-, teardrop-, peanut- and dog bone-shaped. Some have as few as three legs, and others as many as six. However, regardless of size, shape, or number of legs, the fundamental and essential characteristics of all roundabouts are what make them effective: 1) Counterclockwise flow around a central island; 2) Entry Yield Control; and 3) Low Speed, generally 15-25 MPH through the roundabout.

Why these locations?

Both Five Points and Six Points intersections are known by local residents to be problem intersections. This sentiment is not only shared by the local traveling public but is also backed by data. Using 2014-2016 crash data, SJTPO’s Salem County Network Screening List ranked both intersections to be among the top-ten intersections for crash volumes in Salem County, with the Six Points intersection ranking #1.

Five Points Intersection Crashes

5 points crash zones

Six Points Intersection Crashes

6 points crash zones

Developing Roundabout Designs

Public engagement is a crucial part to the success of any project. All project team members are fully committed to a transparent and community-driven design approach that engages, educates, and informs the public while providing the opportunity for questions and comments through public meetings and materials. Due to COVID-19 the project’s public outreach efforts have gone virtual. A Virtual Public Information Center was conducted to inform the public of the project’s purpose and need, the project’s progress to date, and to solicit public input and comments relating to the roundabout concepts developed for the intersections.

The opportunity to solicit feedback regarding the roundabout designs has ended. Please check back at a later date to learn about any additional public comment opportunities.

Public Information Center Meeting Recording

video overlay

Five Points Roundabout Design Concept

5 points design concept

Six Points Roundabout Design Concept

6 points design concept

This project is in partnership with…

In partnership with logos

The South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization, Salem County, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), and Pittsgrove Township.